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Cedar Wood Chips: The Allnatural Mulch That Will Keep Your Garden Weedfree Pestfree And Beautiful

Cedar Wood Chips: The All-Natural Mulch That Will Keep Your Garden Weed-Free, Pest-Free, and Beautiful

Cedar wood chips are a popular choice for mulch because they offer a number of benefits for the garden. They help to retain moisture, suppress weeds, repel pests, and improve the appearance of your garden.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using cedar wood chips in your garden, how to use them properly, and some tips for choosing the right type of cedar wood chips.

Benefits of Cedar Wood Chips

  • Retain moisture. Cedar wood chips help to retain moisture in the soil, which can help to keep your plants healthy and prevent them from wilting.
  • Suppress weeds. The natural oils in cedar wood chips can help to suppress the growth of weeds. This can save you time and effort in weeding your garden.
  • Repel pests. The natural oils in cedar wood chips can also help to repel pests, such as ants, termites, and mosquitoes. This can help to keep your plants safe from damage.
  • Improve appearance. Cedar wood chips can also improve the appearance of your garden. They come in a variety of colors, so you can choose a type that will complement the plants in your garden.

How to Use Cedar Wood Chips

To use cedar wood chips in your garden, simply spread them over the soil in a layer that is about 2-3 inches thick. Be sure to leave a gap of about 2 inches around the base of plants so that the mulch does not touch the stems or leaves.

You can apply cedar wood chips at any time of year, but it is best to do so in the fall or spring when the weather is mild. This will give the mulch time to decompose before the hot summer months.

Tips for Choosing Cedar Wood Chips

When choosing cedar wood chips for your garden, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Type of cedar. There are two main types of cedar wood chips: western red cedar and eastern red cedar. Western red cedar is the most common type of cedar wood chip and is known for its durability and long-lasting fragrance. Eastern red cedar is less common, but it is also a good choice for mulch.
  • Size of chips. Cedar wood chips come in a variety of sizes, from large chips to small chips. The size of the chips will affect the appearance of your garden and the rate at which they decompose. Larger chips will give your garden a more natural look, while smaller chips will decompose more quickly.
  • Color. Cedar wood chips come in a variety of colors, including light brown, dark brown, and red. The color of the chips will affect the appearance of your garden.


Cedar wood chips are a versatile and beneficial mulch that can help to improve the health and appearance of your garden. They are easy to use and come in a variety of colors and sizes to suit your needs.

If you are looking for a natural and effective way to mulch your garden, cedar wood chips are a great option.

Cedar wood chips are a popular choice for garden mulch because they offer a variety of benefits, including insect control, moisture retention, and temperature control. If you're considering using cedar wood chips in your garden, I recommend visiting Garden Wiki for more information.

Garden Wiki is a comprehensive resource on all things cedar wood chips, including their benefits, uses, and how to choose the right type for your garden. The website also includes a helpful buyer's guide, so you can find the best cedar wood chips for your needs.

In addition to providing information about cedar wood chips, Garden Wiki also offers a variety of other resources for gardeners, including tips on plant care, pest control, and landscaping. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned gardener, you're sure to find something useful on Garden Wiki.

FAQ of cedar wood chips for garden

1. What are the benefits of using cedar wood chips in the garden?

Cedar wood chips have many benefits for gardens, including:

  • Weed suppression: Cedar wood chips help to suppress weeds by blocking out sunlight and creating a barrier that prevents weed seeds from germinating.
  • Moisture retention: Cedar wood chips help to retain moisture in the soil, which can be beneficial for plants that are prone to drought.
  • Temperature control: Cedar wood chips help to regulate soil temperature, which can help plants to survive both hot and cold weather.
  • Disease and pest control: Cedar wood chips contain natural oils that can help to repel pests and diseases.
  • Drainage: Cedar wood chips help to improve drainage in the soil, which can help to prevent root rot and other problems.

2. Are cedar wood chips safe for plants?

Yes, cedar wood chips are safe for most plants. However, some plants, such as blueberries, may be sensitive to the natural oils in cedar wood chips. It is always a good idea to test cedar wood chips on a small area of your garden before applying them to a larger area.

3. How long do cedar wood chips last?

Cedar wood chips can last for several years, depending on the type of cedar and the conditions in your garden. In general, cedar wood chips that are exposed to the elements will break down faster than those that are protected from the sun and rain.

4. How much cedar wood chips do I need for my garden?

The amount of cedar wood chips you need for your garden will depend on the size of your garden and the desired depth of the mulch. A general rule of thumb is to use 2-3 inches of cedar wood chips.

5. How do I apply cedar wood chips to my garden?

To apply cedar wood chips to your garden, simply spread them evenly over the soil surface. Be sure to leave a few inches of space between the mulch and the base of your plants.

Image of cedar wood chips for garden

5 different images of "cedar wood chips for garden" from Pinterest:

  1. Cedar wood chips around a tree. This image shows how cedar wood chips can be used to create a border around a tree. The chips help to suppress weeds and keep the soil moist. Image of Cedar wood chips around a tree

  2. Cedar wood chips in a garden bed. This image shows how cedar wood chips can be used to mulch a garden bed. The chips help to suppress weeds, retain moisture, and improve drainage. Image of Cedar wood chips in a garden bed

  3. Cedar wood chips as a walkway. This image shows how cedar wood chips can be used to create a walkway in the garden. The chips make a durable and attractive surface that is easy to walk on. Image of Cedar wood chips as a walkway

  4. Cedar wood chips in a planter. This image shows how cedar wood chips can be used to mulch a planter. The chips help to suppress weeds, retain moisture, and improve drainage. Image of Cedar wood chips in a planter

  5. Cedar wood chips in a birdbath. This image shows how cedar wood chips can be used to line a birdbath. The chips help to keep the water clean and prevent mosquitoes from breeding. Image of Cedar wood chips in a birdbath

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